Las Piedras Watershed, Peruvian Amazon

Hoja Nueva is protecting nature with support from the Uon.Earth community.

11,344 m²
member since
26,800,000 m²
total area size

Las Piedras Watershed, Peruvian Amazon

Conserving the biodiversity of the Peruvian Amazon

The area is located in one of the largest tracts of pristine forest left in Perú, if not the Amazon as a whole. It is an area of high biological importance due to the confluence of rivers and forest spanning the borders between Perú, Bolivia, and Brazil. 

Bio Region

Lowland broadleaf Amazon rainforest (NT18)


Logging, poaching, slash-and-burn agriculture, unsustainable resource extraction, road creation, urbanization.


Conserving intact ecosystems, rescuing and rewilding key species, confronting threats to wildlife, implementing biological research, and conducting environmental education.

Key Species

Jaguar, Puma, Tapir, Spider Monkey, Howler Monkey, Giant Armadillo, Peccaries, Macaws, Harpy Eagle, Anaconda, Ironwood, Kapok Tree, Mahogany, Spanish Cedar


Empowering sustainable economy, working closely with the nearest remote community, supporting community projects and environmental education ​​in local schools and universities.

Fun Fact

Lowland Amazon rainforest is estimated to be the highest rate of terrestrial carbon sequestration on the planet!