Tanglewood Conservation Area, Eastern Cape South Africa

Wilderness Foundation Africa is protecting 4,014 m2 with support from the EarthToday community.

9,728 m²
member since
76,050,000 m²
total area size

Tanglewood Conservation Area, South Africa

Conservation delivering benefits for both wildlife and people.

Tanglewood Conservation Area focuses on restoration and research of ecological infrastructure and the benefits this holds for ecosystem-based adaptation. Sustainable development is supported by improving climate change resilience for both ecosystems and communities. 

Bio Region

Mediterranean Forests, Woodlands & Scrub


Currently low-level wildlife poaching, Impact of drought on restoration and rehabilitation efforts and further degradation due to overstocking / incorrect species composition.


Implementing a range of activities that will restore ecological patterns and processes supported by active applied research.

Key Species

Curio ficoides, Albuca annulata, Pachypodium bispinosum, Pachypodium succulentum, Equus zebra, Giraffa cameleopardalis, Aonyx capensis Neotis denhami, Grus paradisea.


Nature-based tourism, rural economic development and job creation, education and community upliftment enabling young leaders in conservation and nature ownership to shift the legacy of inequality.

Fun Fact

Tanglewood Conservation Area was specifically acquired to pilot range management approaches that could be applicable within the broader Albany Biodiversity Corridor.