Ol Kinyei Wildlife Conservancy, Mara-Serengeti, Kenya

Wildlife Habitat Trust is protecting nature with support from the Uon.Earth community.

1,000 m²
member since
75,000,000 m²
total area size

Ol Kinyei Conservancy, Kenya

Inspiring people to connect with nature.

Ol Kinyei conservancy is a place of unparallel scenic beauty, part of the greater Mara-Serengeti landscape which ranks as one of the few remaining major wildlife refuges on earth. Two significantly important large mammal migrations pass through; the world-famous annual exodus of over 1.5 million wildebeest, zebras and Thomson’s gazelle; and the lesser-known east-west movement of approximately 35,000 between the Mara and Loita plains. Others are resident at high densities throughout the year, including  of elephant, Grant’s gazelle, impala, topi and Coke’s hartebeest.

Bio Region

Greater African Subequitorial Savannas & Mixed Woodlands (AT11)


Land tenure change and subsequent fencing. Also, sedentarisation leading to the upsurge in human wildlife conflict, culminating in human injuries and death, retaliatory killing of wildlife and poaching.


The aim is to secure critical space for wildlife and avoid habitat disintegration by progressively acquire land from willing members, pursuing easements and leases.

Key Species

African Savanna elephant, African wild dog, Masai giraffe, Cheetah, Leopard, Lion, Plains zebra, and Thomson gazelle. High densities of Grant’s gazelle, impala, Common wildebeest, Topi, and Coke’s hartebeest.


Ol Kinyei was historically used by the Dorobo (a hunter-gatherer clan of the Maasai). The Maasai are an indigenous people who practice traditional livestock husbandry deeply rooted in customary practices.

Fun Fact

Ol Kinyei is the historical abode for a hunter-gatherer clan of the Maasai, hosts several lion prides, resident cheetahs and leopards, while the endangered wild dog has been sighted over the past couple of years.