Iberá Wetland, Argentina

Rewilding Argentina is protecting nature with support from the Uon.Earth community.

210,391 m²
member since
7,580,000,000 m²
total area size

Iberà Wetland, Argentina

Restoring the ecosystem in the second largest wetland.

Iberá Wetlands is the largest natural park in Argentina, the second biggest wetland in the world, and an essential ecosystem contributing to sequestration of millions of metric tons of carbon. Since 2007 Rewilding Argentina have been working in Iberá Park to recover and reintroduce key species in the most ambitious multi-species rewilding program in Latin America.

Bio Region

Chaco grasslands


Iberá is a fragile ecosystem which is intrinsically linked to the amount of water its soils retain. Anything that affects water supply will have repercussions on the landscape.


Reintroducing key species and promoting an ecotourism destination to generate a new regenerative economy.

Key Species

Jaguar, Giant river otter, Ocelot, Giant Anteater, Pampas deer, Collared Peccary, Red-and-green macaw, Bare-faced curassow and Red-legged seriema.


Training for local community leaders to strengthen their role as guardians of the natural and cultural values that make up Iberá’s identity.

Fun Fact

Recently several mating events have been registered between two couples of giant otters. Hopefully these events will lead to the birth of new pups!